Hacking FTP Account With WS_FTP.INI

WS FTP is an FTP client program that is quite familiar with the function to upload and download files through a FTP Protocol (File Transfer Protocol). Beside WS_fTP, there are also some software that work with the same function such as CuteFTP, TurboFTP and others.

As a Client program that allows a client computer to upload files to the server, WS_FTP on the complete protection system with username and password. So, ftp server protected from unresponsible user.

One WS_FTP weakness is save account user all with username ang password in ws_ftp.ini file. Unfortunately, this file can be accessed easily using notepad. However, the password encrypt (hide in the character code).

See the following code found in the ws_ftp.ini like : PWD=VE0B0670A04297D09698219544F7A4E52709272946C6C6638

The code after PWD = is the account password that store in a file ws_ftp.ini. To display the original password, here's the method :

1. Search ws_ftp.ini file with Google Sarch Engine by typing : filetype:ini WS_FTP PWD (search for the server that stores files ws_ftp.ini) or can be "index of /" "ws_ftp.ini" and some of the other Google Hack as many spread on the internet. Or have direct access to the computer server physical to steal ws_ftp.ini file.

2. Visit decipherskull. Copy the code PWD= in the file ws_ftp.ini and paste in the box dencrypted. Do not forget, copy from PWD = until the end of the code. Press the Dechiper button on the site. The password will be visible.

Usually, ws_ftp file, including direct account with the hidden username, to be easy to get.


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