1. http://freedns.afraid.org
Here you find more then 137,523 subdomains
Create your free account you can also upgate your account for better services and register more domains
you will find special domains such as us.to, uk.to
2. Dot TK allows you to register an unlimited number of FREE domains and an unlimited number of PAID domain names.
This list gives an overview of all your registered Dot TK domain names. Note that FREE domains expire after 90 days when less than twenty-five (25) users have been to your website.
register you domain from here:
3. Get a FREE .mp Domain Name and Website
You own and manage all of your content, they host your site for you. All for free...
Register from here:
4. Co.cc
Here you find more then 137,523 subdomains
Create your free account you can also upgate your account for better services and register more domains
you will find special domains such as us.to, uk.to
2. Dot TK allows you to register an unlimited number of FREE domains and an unlimited number of PAID domain names.
This list gives an overview of all your registered Dot TK domain names. Note that FREE domains expire after 90 days when less than twenty-five (25) users have been to your website.
register you domain from here:
3. Get a FREE .mp Domain Name and Website
You own and manage all of your content, they host your site for you. All for free...
Register from here:
4. Co.cc
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